Tales of Guild 24.04.2018

Herringbone Harmony

Photographer: Felix Laasme
Models: Joan Hint, Sten Karik & Peep Vähi

Freespirited Post-Soviet Avant-Garde Noble Streetwear

Lately, we teamed up with rapidly evolving local photographer Felix Laasme and EYTYS – one of the coolest sneaker makers from Sweden. As the herringbone line of Chapter Three was one of our own personal favourites, we decided to capture it in the way we’ve been enjoying it.

On most occasions, monochrome accessories such as pure white or smoky black balance the psychedelic herringbone trip. As the winters are pretty somber here, we decided to bring some light with white. The mainstream sneaker brands don’t tend to reflect the ideas of ethical production, we turned to one of the neatest alternatives out there – Eytys of Sweden (pronounced ’80s’). As an independent brand created only some years ago, one of their founders, Max Schiller, has said something that’s been echoing in our minds: “There’s a way of power dressing and it’s not masculine or feminine. Wearing bold proportions gives you a certain confidence.”

A philosophy resonating well with our designs and way of life. So we crossed swords and one of the coolest sneakers in the world – the Kibos – sailed over the Baltic Sea to be photographed on windy shores of Estland.

The series was captured in forgotten Soviet foyer on the outskirts of Tallinn in the middle of palm trees, Chinese hibiscus and gigantic succulents. Guess our love for plants is pretty obvious by now but it’s something stemming from the situation where we may experience greenery only for few months in a year.

Bringing jungle to urban environments and northern interiors is crucial to maintain our connection with nature, and our mother, the Earth.