Tales of Guild 07.06.2022

Guild Wine

Location Provence
Foto Graf Felix Laasme

“Here’s to the rose-colored glasses of life.”

– F. Scott Fitzgerald

We’re excited to launch our very own wine – Le Nectar! A heavenly blend of Earthly notes and Provencal sun. It is not a secret we’ve been dreaming about our very own rosé for quite some time already. A wine we could proudly call “one of the very best”. Pale, noble, and unique. A true drink of the Gods.

It all started with our first visit to Provence in 2020. We fell in love with the landscape, the soft mistral breeze, the architecture, and the local, simple joys of life. Joie de vivre as the French say. Good, organic food and great wines.

The grapes of our wine – Cinsault and Grenache noir – are organically grown in the wine yards of the Luberon mountains. In summer, the microclimate allows the grapevines to benefit from cool nights which reduce the heat of the day. The Mistral wind – which is active year-round – plays a key role in the irreproachable healthy state of our grapes. The summer of 2021 was hot but but not scorching and the water levels remained good until the harvest, allowing the vines to express themselves fully without suffering.

La Vie en Rosé

Harvested by hand using headlamps very early in the morning when the grapes are fullest of juice and thereby preserve their integrity. Our Nectar is the first press of the grapes that gave the beverage a pale, crystal clear color that is so widely desired in the world of wine.

“Every empty bottle is filled with stories.”

– Author Unknown

Aged on fine lees in stainless steel vats for 4 months. GUILD Nectar was bottled at the end of the winter, therefore, preserving the maximum aromatic potential and fully respecting the lunar calendar.

Aromatic and delicate with hints of exotic fruits, the wine is balanced with wonderful acidity which adds freshness, liveliness, and a unique character. Perfect for dinners al fresco – whether it’s under the midday sun or midnight stars with your loved one.


The wine – a single bottle or a box –
can be purchased in our flagship and online store.