Guild Digital 30.01.2024

Master Peace

Our First Digital Collection

Musketeers! We are excited to share that our long-time dream has finally come true! We are now entering the world of digital fashion on horseback! We crossed swords with the leading digital fashion platform, The Fabricant – a collaboration that fuses our unique style and mystical vision with their digital craftsmanship, creating a collection where echoes of the past intertwine with whispers of the future.

The journey begins with releasing two digital Sphere hats working as AR wearables and NFT collectibles. The collection will unfold in 4 drops throughout 2024, creating a complete look destined for spheres beyond the tangible.


We are now turning invisible crowns into wondrous hats in both Universe and Metaverse, and the narrative behind the digital collection is the importance of mastering one’s peace to experience life as a masterpiece. As a wise man once said: “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns or rejoice because thorns have roses.”
Joan Hint, the art director of MASTER PEACE, notes: “The collection reflects our unique sense of style, the possibilities of digital fashion, and the times we live in. What’s happening in the world affects us all, and we’re presented with a choice: to allow us to be dragged into collective chaos or to stay present, calm, and centered.”
She adds, “There are prophecies of Warriors of Light, but if we realized that our frequency defines reality, the world would be very different. What if we’re the ones we’ve been waiting for? So, our first digital collection will provide the armour for the contemporary knights who stand for Light.”


At the dawn of the awakening, a whispered prophecy unfolds of Warriors of Light, celestial souls destined to illuminate the shadows. Born of stardust, their eyes reflect galaxies. An emblem of purity, the digital sphere hat stands as a symbol for the souls to remember to step into their power and to pick up their crown of Light.”

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Contemporary Knights stand as guardians in the digital realm. Their armour isn’t forged in steel but in resilience. Their weapons are wisdom, keyboards, and empathy; with every click, they build bridges of Unity. It is time for these noble souls to wield courage in the face of authority and to pick up their helmets that – as shields – reflect back all the energies sent towards them.

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The digital artefacts then serve as a visual reminder that peace is not something to be found – it is embracing the essence of who we truly Are. Sten Karik, the creative director of the collaboration, adds:

“We’ve been part of the creative digital fashion community for a few years now, and the people are very different from the traditional fashion world. Zero arrogance, pure openness to new ideas and collaborations.

Since the beginning of the brand 14 years ago, we’ve been launching very magical collections that unite a sense of legacy with a vision of tomorrow. Creating some of those things in real life has been quite a challenge, but the possibilities in the digital realm are endless! And this is what’s most fascinating about virtual fashion. You can do anything, and it can reach anyone anywhere in the world.”

The Master Peace collection will launch on Tuesday, January 30th, 5m CET.
Please note that the hats are limited!


 If you would like to become part of our digital heavy cavalry, you’re also welcome to join our WEB3 Telegram community!