Tales of Denim 18.10.2017

Visionary Pants Restocked

Photographer – Felix Laasme
Model – Linda Zagorska
Stylist – Joan Hint

“If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night,
I’ll bet they’d live a lot differently.”

Folks, we’re really glad to say our beloved Visionary Pants are finally restocked! The wondrous, two-coloured and monochrome jeans are cut from stretch night-coloured 10oz denim and as all our things, they too are handcrafted in Estland.

With a hint of magic and nobility, the stripes of the pants reflect a visionary approach to apparel as well as the playful spirit of court jesters of the past. The worldwide patented design compliments the female body making its friend optically bit taller, her legs longer and slimmer yet at the same time giving a gorgeous little extra curve where necessary.

Presented by the ever so lovely Linda Zagorska

the miracle-making jeans are available in our store

Wearable poetry for dreamers, lovers,
poets and visionaries of all kind!