Tales of Denim 08.01.2018

Flower Power

Model – Linda Zagorska
Style – Sten Karik, Joan Hint & Peep Vähi
MUA – Ellen Walge
Hair – Kati Vaikre
Photographer – Felix Laasme

“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.”

– Gerard de Nerval

Introducing the blooming, super limited edition of our iconic two-toned Visionary Pants! Covered with hazy white flowers and also earthly, cocoa coloured blossoms, the flower power jeans were inspired by the immense beauty of nature, harmonious life and connectedness of the flower children and hedonistic voyage through Life itself.

With a hint of magic, the stripes of the pants reflect a visionary approach to denim while the flowers create a tender, dreamy look.

The unique worldwide patented design complements the feminine body by making its companion optically bit taller, her legs longer and slimmer yet at the same time giving a gorgeous little extra curve where necessary. Cut from 10oz dark blue denim, the super limited jeans – all together only 44 pairs! – are ethically crafted in Estonia.

“If you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it’s your world for a moment.”

– Georgia O’Keefe