Tales of Guild 11.09.2017

Paradise Bomber

Photographer – Felix Laasme

Model – Joan Hint

“Paradise is not a place, it’s a state of mind”

Our first experimental bomber jackets were inspired by paradise and the stories of eternity. The hooded bombers shall be available in limited numbers in spring 2018.

We never lost the garden, we’ve been here the whole time. As a place of timeless harmony, peace, contentment and prosperity, paradise is often described as a “higher place” or the holiest place, in contrast to this world, or underworlds.

In Norse paganism, Helgafjell was known to be the “holy mountain” where Norse clans lived similar to the world of the living. Viking warriors were also led to Valhalla by enchanting valkyries. For the Celts, paradise was the Fortunate Isle of Mag Mell. In old Egyptian beliefs, the otherworld was Aaru, the reed-fields of hunting and fishing. For Greeks, the Elysian fields were a paradisiacal land of plenty where the heroic and righteous hoped to spend eternity. The Vedic Indians believed the physical body was destroyed by fire but recreated and reunited in the Third Heaven in a state of bliss. The Abrahamic faiths associate paradise with the Garden of Eden, that is, the perfect state of the world prior to the fall from grace, and the perfect state that will be restored in the World to Come.

One’s for sure – we all believe there’s such miraculous thing as an afterlife. Yet, instead of hoping for a great deus-ex-machina that would save us from where we are now, perhaps we should look, right into the beautiful eyes of the present moment? Perhaps the existing time is taking place right in the Great Gardens yet someone once made us believe gardens of the Earth are nothing compared to what comes. This cuts mankind from responsibility and from Mother, the Earth. With dull eyes we let the rootless cut down our ancient forests, poison our fields and destroy our rivers.

Gandhi once said: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Imagine a day when we’d all come to understand how sacred and precious the place where we already are, is and there’s no doubt that heaven and the Gardens may flower right here, on Earth.

Notable is also that the word “paradise” is derived from Greek parádeisos that originates from an Old Iranian paridayda – the “walled enclosure” indicating the expansive walled gardens of the First Persian Empire. The term eventually appeared in Greek as parádeisos – a “park for animals” in the Anabasis of the early 4th century BCE. In Aramaic pardaysa reflects a “royal park”.